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Exciting times at Barlows of Belvoir

As the nights are closing in we've had a busy but exciting week here at the farm. The team have been busy promoting at various local events, these include:


- Jam, Cheese at Storytelling @Oblio's Deli

Over 31 people attended the inaugural jam cheese and storytelling event at Oblio's Deli & Bistro in Grantham. Guest were greeted by the staff with a glass of prosecco, the evening covered tasting of jams, cheese's with chutneys and a number of marmalades. Everyone seemed to have a good time and we received numerous plaudits and thanks from the audience about the evening. Due to its success we're currently in discussions about a future event.


- Online sales are a go!

After lifting the lid on our website and setting up our product range online for all to see, we were over the moon to see our first multiple online sale come through! The buyer from the east midlands has their package of our tasty products on its way to them.


- Local History Cafe Talk @Melton Carnegie Museum

We were invited to give a talk to the group at the Carnegie museum because we are a local food manufacture. Giving the talk, Graham started off by saying “This won't go the way of all other talks, because unlike all other talks I’m not going to drone on for an hour. I have brought to you the benefit of both an all factory and taste experience”. The entire talk was about our history, the history of the product and the district and how the history of the district has affected the naming of our products.  People we very gracious to thank us and remarked it was one of the most interesting talks of recents times. The organisers were happy enough to discuss the possibility of conducting similar talks around a grouping of other museums.


- Seville Oranges Awaited

We are looking forward and counting the days until take delivery of our first batch of this seasons Seville Bitter Oranges. The Seville Oranges go in to making the Barnsdale Bitter and Twisted Marmalade. This has continued to outstrip expectations and has been proved to be a popular product.


- Ingenuity Business Breakfast @Nottingham University

We were invited to present at one of the morning five minute shop windows at the ingenuity business breakfast. We wanted to use our time to give thanks to University and its various departments for all of the assistance and guidance it provided in our early stages of development. We also wanted to announce that we will be taking part in 2019 in a major food research product that would bring together universities computer science, engineering and law departments.